Our audit is more than just an analysis

Clear Benefits.
Tailored solutions.
Proven success.


Struggling to get noticed online?

For over 20 years, the founders of Phresh SEO have helped businesses of all sizes dominate search engine rankings and boost their online presence.

Our powerful SEO audits go beyond the basics. We specialise in uncovering hidden opportunities and crafting tailored strategies that ensure you outshine your competition.

Join hundreds of satisfied clients and get your free SEO audit today. Discover how we can drive real results for your business. 

Free SEO Audit - No strings attached

Strategic Insights.
Sustainable Growth.
Rapid Results.

    Free SEO Audit

    Unlock Your Website's True Potential with Our Comprehensive SEO Audit

    Are you tired of your website languishing in the depths of search engine results? Discover the power of a thorough SEO audit and propel your online presence to new heights. Our free, in-depth analysis will uncover hidden opportunities and reveal critical issues holding your site back from achieving top ranking.

    This comprehensive examination delves into every aspect of your website's SEO performance, including site structure, content quality, keyword optimisation, backlinks, mobile-friendliness, and page speed. By identifying your strengths and weaknesses, we provide actionable insights and tailored recommendations to boost your search engine visibility and drive organic traffic.

    Don't let your website remain invisible to potential customers. Take the first step towards SEO success with our powerful, easy-to-understand audit report. Receive a detailed PDF breakdown of your site's performance, complete with prioritised fixes and step-by-step instructions for implementation.

    Transform your online presence today. Get your free SEO audit now and start your journey to the top of search engine results pages.

    Beyond Promises:
    Results or Free SEO!

    All of our packages come with our SEO Guarantee.
    If specific agreed results aren't met within 6 months of being with us, we keep working for free until they do!

    Unlock Your Website's Potential with Our Free SEO Audit

    Are you wondering why your website isn't ranking as high as you'd like in search results? Our Free SEO Audit is the answer you've been looking for.

    What Does Our Free SEO Audit Offer?

    At Phresh SEO, we've crafted a comprehensive analysis tool that examines your website's performance across crucial factors affecting your search engine rankings. Our audit dives deep into:

    • On-page SEO elements

    • Technical SEO issues

    • Content quality and relevance

    • Backlink profile

    • Site speed and mobile-friendliness

    Why Choose Our Free SEO Audit?

    If you're grappling with:

    • Low organic traffic

    • Poor conversion rates

    • Inability to attract valuable visitors

    Our Free SEO Audit could be the key to unlocking your website's true potential. We'll identify the roadblocks preventing your site from climbing the search engine results pages (SERPs) and provide actionable insights to boost your online visibility.

    Don't let your website languish in the depths of search results. Take the first step towards SEO success today with Phresh SEO's Free SEO Audit. It's time to get your website the attention it deserves!

    Discover Your Website's True Potential with Our Free SEO Audit

    Wondering why your site isn't ranking? Our Free SEO Audit has the answers.

    What's Included in Your Free SEO Audit?

    Our SEO experts will analyse your website, revealing:

    • Performance for relevant search queries
    • Key SEO metrics impacting visibility
    • Actionable opportunities for improvement

    Our In-Depth Analysis Covers:

    Domain Strength
    Overall SEO health of your domain

    Content Quality

    • Heading structures
    • Content depth, uniqueness and overall content strategy
    • Internal linking strategies

    Technical SEO
    We'll scrutinise:

    Backlink Profile
    Quality and opportunities for improvement.

    Why Choose Our Free SEO Audit?

    Each section of our audit provides:

    • Detailed SEO checks
    • Identification of critical issues affecting your rankings
    • Clear metrics to gauge your website's performance
    • Targeted areas for improvement to boost long-term visibility
    • Local SEO assessment.

    Don't let SEO uncertainties hold your website back. Uncover your site's true potential with Phresh SEO's Free SEO Audit today!

    Advantages of Our Free SEO Audit

    Uncover Hidden Optimisation Opportunities

    Our free SEO audit examines key aspects of your website, including on-page elements, technical factors, site structure, and backlinks. This comprehensive review helps you identify overlooked optimisation areas and refine your website to improve its performance and competitiveness over time.

    Improve your SERP Rankings

    The primary goal of SEO is to enhance your visibility in search results. Our experts will conduct an SEO check that evaluates your website's keyword optimisation, content relevance, quality, and overall strategy. You'll receive a detailed report with recommendations designed to increase targeted traffic to your site.

    Improve User Experience

    UX significantly impacts search engine rankings. Our audit assesses your website's speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall usability. We provide recommendations to enhance your site's performance and create a smooth browsing experience that engages visitors and turns them into loyal customers.

    Stay Ahead of the SEO Curve

    SEO algorithms and best practices are constantly changing. Our audit ensures your website aligns with current industry trends and guidelines, helping you maintain a competitive edge.

    Our Bespoke SEO Evaluation vs Automated Tools

    While many opt for instant-results SEO checkers, it's crucial to recognise their limitations. These automated tools often provide only surface-level analyses that may not significantly impact your search engine rankings. At Phresh SEO, we offer a more comprehensive and tailored approach to SEO auditing, conducted by seasoned professionals.

    The Advantage of Human-Led SEO Assessment

    Unlike most online SEO checkers where you simply input a URL for an instant automated report, our free SEO audit is meticulously crafted by hand. We tailor our analysis to your specific business and industry, delivering actionable insights. The key benefits of our manual approach include:

    Customised Recommendations: Automated tools often generate generic advice. Our experts provide bespoke recommendations tailored to your unique website. We can assess nuanced aspects that require human insight, such as:

    • Consistency in brand voice across your site

    • Alignment of content with user search intent

    • Value and depth of your content

    • Effectiveness of meta titles in driving action

    • Prioritisation of issues based on impact

    Moreover, the expert who conducts your audit will personally guide you through the findings, offering in-depth explanations and addressing any queries you may have.

    Context-Aware SEO Analysis

    While automated reports offer quick results, they lack the ability to consider the broader context of your website and business goals. 

    This contextual understanding, gained through personal interaction, allows us to provide more relevant and tailored recommendations than any automated tool could offer.

    Tackling Complex SEO Challenges

    Human SEO experts excel at identifying and solving intricate issues that demand critical thinking and profound SEO knowledge. 

    While automated tools may flag basic issues, they often fall short when confronted with nuanced problems that require a more sophisticated approach. Our manual audit ensures that even the most complex SEO issues are identified and addressed effectively.

    Unlock Your Website's Potential with Phresh SEO's Bespoke Audit

    How to Secure Your Complimentary SEO Evaluation

    Simply complete the form above with your website URL and contact information. At Phresh SEO, we don't believe in churning out generic automated reports. Instead, we invest time in understanding your business and website, conducting a thorough analysis, and presenting our findings in a way that empowers you to seize the opportunities ahead.

    How long does your SEO audit take?

    Depending on current demand and the complexity of your site, we typically get back to you within 24-48 hours. 

    Once your bespoke SEO report is ready and emailed over, one of our specialists will get in touch to see if we can jump on a call and go through in more detail. Usually either Dunc or Scott. They'll highlight the most promising opportunities and outline a prioritised action plan tailored to your website's unique needs.

    Is this really free?

    Absolutely! Our SEO evaluation is entirely free of charge. Simply submit the form at the top of this page to initiate the process.

    Why go for Phresh SEO's Complimentary Audit?

    Unlike many instant online tools that generate generic reports, we offer a meticulously crafted, manual assessment tailored to your specific business and industry. Our approach delivers actionable insights that can truly transform your online presence.

    Frequently Asked Questions about our free SEO Audits

    Is it possible to obtain a high-quality SEO audit without cost?

    Absolutely! At Phresh SEO, we offer comprehensive, no-cost SEO site evaluations. Additionally, there are various online tools and resources available that provide free SEO audits to help you gauge your website's performance and optimisation. These assessments can offer valuable insights into your site's SEO health, pinpoint areas for enhancement, and provide recommendations to boost your search engine rankings.

    How can I evaluate my SEO performance online for free?

    Several options are available for assessing your SEO performance at no cost:

    Free SEO Analysis Tools: Numerous websites offer complimentary tools for SEO scoring and analysis, providing an overall SEO grade for your site. These tools evaluate various aspects of your site's optimisation, including on-page factors, backlinks, loading speed, and mobile-friendliness.

    Google Search Console: This free tool from Google allows you to monitor your website's presence in search results. It offers valuable data on your site's performance, including keyword rankings, crawl errors, and indexing status.

    SEO Browser Extensions: Various browser add-ons can analyse web pages and provide SEO performance insights without leaving your site.

    Keep in mind that while these tools offer a general overview of your website's SEO performance, they may not provide a comprehensive assessment. For a more thorough evaluation, it's advisable to combine insights from multiple sources and consider a professional SEO audit like the one offered by Phresh SEO.

    What should I look for in a trustworthy provider of free SEO audits?

    When selecting a reliable provider for a free SEO audit, consider these factors:

    Reputation and Experience: Look for providers with a strong track record in delivering high-quality SEO services. Don't solely judge it on awards. Every single one of them are pay to win. No exceptions. Companies I've worked for in the past have won multiple for my work. All paid for. Judge it on their knowledge.

    Expertise: Ensure the provider has a deep understanding of SEO best practices and current industry trends. They should have extensive experience in conducting comprehensive SEO audits and providing actionable recommendations.

    Transparency: A trustworthy provider will clearly communicate their audit methodology, outlining the specific areas they'll assess and why. At Phresh SEO, we believe in offering tailored, actionable recommendations rather than automated reports.

    Customisation: Each website has unique SEO challenges and opportunities. Look for a provider offering a tailored approach that considers your specific industry, target audience, and goals.

    Comprehensive Services: Consider whether the provider offers a full range of SEO services beyond the free audit. This can be beneficial if you decide to pursue further improvements after the initial assessment.

    Clear Communication: Pay attention to the provider's communication style and responsiveness. They should be prompt in addressing your queries and providing updates throughout the audit process.

    Practical Recommendations: Choose a provider who not only identifies issues but also offers practical solutions for improvement. They should provide guidance on addressing identified SEO issues and be available for support if needed.

    A guarantee: Everyone says there are no guarantees when it comes to SEO, and that's true, nobody can guarantee anything. However, we are that confident in our ability, we like to give you peace of mind. All of our packages come with an SEO guarantee

    By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and select a reliable provider for a free SEO audit that will help identify key areas for improvement and boost your website's search engine performance.

    Phresh SEO


    Our packages are designed with SME's in mind. 
    Most SME's and startups know they need SEO, but the barrier to entry is just far too high, cost wise. 
    That's why we're here.
    The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google.


    After years of experience in larger agencies, we noticed a significant gap in the market for smaller companies and startups that didn't have a massive budget to allocate towards SEO. Many SMEs and startups understand the importance of SEO but find the barrier to entry too high.

    Free SEO Audit

    Get in touch now for a free audit for your website. We offer free advise on how you can gain the most visibility for your website, even if you choose not to come on board moving forward.