Dominate Search Rankings With Our
Comprehensive SEO Services

Our Services

Here you will find a huge list of all of the services we provide.

Nope, just SEO.
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    What is SEO and why is it crucial for your business?

    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) helps your website move up the search engine rankings, making it easier for people to find you. In today's world of the internet, good SEO is key to business success.

    Benefits of SEO for Your Business:

    Enhanced Visibility: High rankings equate to higher visibility.
    The more people visit your site, the more recognition you get.
    Target Traffic: SEO targets the right keywords that bring visitors who are seriously looking for your products and services. They are more likely to become your leads and customers.
    Improved User Experience: SEO betters your website's structure and content, thus making it extremely user-friendly.
    This keeps the visitor on your site for longer duration and decreases the bounce rates.
    Cost-Efficient: It's not like those costly ads; instead, SEO is a long-term investment. After you start ranking well on search engines, you get continuous traffic without ongoing ad spend.

    Competitive Edge: Good SEO can push you past your competitors, capturing a bigger market share, especially in crowded industries.

    Our Comprehensive SEO Services for Sustainable Growth

    At Phresh SEO, we offer a full range of SEO services to increase your online visibility, drive targeted traffic, and boost your leads and conversions. Our data-driven strategies ensure your website is optimised for both search engines and your target audience, giving you sustainable growth and a competitive edge.

    Our Proven Track Record of Delivering Exceptional SEO Results

    An open client with belief in your ability makes all the difference when working on one off projects.

    We created over 100 landing pages for this campaign, but the results speak for themselves. 18,000 new visitors and over 400 new enquiries in 3 months! Read the Case Study.

    "There is a reason we follow Dunc everywhere and come back for every project now! Not only did he transform our campaign, but his design skills for our landing pages no doubt influenced conversions"

    Unlock Your Online Potential – Get a Free SEO Consultation Today

    Your Phresh SEO Journey

    • Stage 1Audit & Learning

      We conduct our completely free SEO audit. If you choose to come onboard, we will then spend time learning about your goals so we can align our strategy.
    • Stage 2Keyword & Competitor Research

      We conduct in-depth research and analysis of your keywords and competitors. Looking for low hanging fruit that your competitors may have missed, and look at the keywords that your main competitors rank highly for.
    • Stage 3Onboarding

      During onboarding, we will put forward our full strategy on how we will look to proceed and what our approach will be.
    • Stage 4Optimisations

      The fun stuff! It's time to get going!

      We will look over all optimisations to your side and deal with the technical issues first and foremost. This will include optimising title tags, URLs, H1 tags, meta descriptions and content. We will optimise existing content, remove any redundant pages and create any new pages which we feel will align with the strategy.

      Optimise internal linking to boost the relevance of your target pages and carry out any other optimisation work necessary.

    • Stage 5Onwards & Upwards

      Once we feel we are in a strong position to move on to content creation, we will discuss content ideas and develop a back link strategy.

      We will create citations, generating necessary backlinks and reach out to journalists to gain that much needed authority, including promoting blog posts and offering expert comments.

    The best place to hide a dead body is the second page of Google.


    After years of experience in larger agencies, we noticed a significant gap in the market for smaller companies and startups that didn't have a massive budget to allocate towards SEO. Many SMEs and startups understand the importance of SEO but find the barrier to entry too high.

    Free SEO Audit

    Get in touch now for a free audit for your website. We offer free advise on how you can gain the most visibility for your website, even if you choose not to come on board moving forward.